Tuesday, September 23, 2008

World's Longest Chile Ristra

More than a thousand men, women and children of all ages stepped right up and twirled together twine and red chile pods in an attempt to create a world record chile ristra at the New Mexico State Fair, September 14th. In five hours and 45 minutes, participants used a whopping 3,250 pounds of red chile pods to create a ristra spanning 157.7 feet. State agriculture and chile commission officials are asking Guinness to establish a new category specifically for a chile ristra. The ristra was weighed, measured and documented by the state Agriculture Department's Weights and Measures Division.
A ristra is the traditional method for drying red chile peppers in the Southwest. The chile pods are tied together with string in an overlapping design and hung outside to dry before being used in red chile sauces and dishes.

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